
学生们一起走在校园里,微笑着We make every effort to support students’ financial well-being—the ability to successfully manage expenses and meet short- and long- term financial goals within an established budget and current resources. At times, students experience unanticipated situations or face difficult circumstances that interfere with their financial well-being and academic success. This website serves a resource to students and families for initiatives and information to enhance students’ financial well-being.

Professional staff throughout campus are also available to assist with access to emergency resources and support for financial emergencies, 粮食或住房不安全, emotional hardship, 或者任何影响学生健康的问题.


副院长兼住宿生活和住房主任托尼·蒙特福斯科离职后, 谁为RWU服务了26年, 以他的名义成立了一个学生应急基金. This fund is designed to assist students facing unanticipated and compelling circumstances that interfere with their ability to continue or thrive at RWU.

托尼捐献了他最后一份薪水来成立这个基金. 还有教职员工的额外贡献, staff, 和大学的朋友们, 学生在紧急情况下可获得有限的经济支持, special programs, test prep, supplies, and books. These funds do not have to be repaid but the University hopes that one day when a beneficiary of this support is in a position to pay this forward, they will. 在校生在用尽所有其他资源后,方可申请资助. Consider making a contribution to the student emergency fund to support students' ability to thrive at RWU!



If you are experiencing unexpected financial difficulty that is impacting your ability to thrive at RWU, complete the 学生紧急基金申请表格.


需求可能会超过可用资金, 在大多数情况下,这些钱不会支付事件或紧急情况的全部费用. 这些资金不能代替财政援助, and are intended to cover incidental and unexpected expenses of modest amounts that a student demonstrates they are financially unable to meet. Additionally, 申请和/或接受紧急资金不会影响学生的年度经济援助奖励.



•    Eyeglass replacement; contact lenses
•    Hearing aids
•    Replacement of essential personal items or temporary housing needs due to natural disaster or theft
•紧急或意外旅行(包括公共汽车), train, car and air; emergency travel; transportation to and from job or internship interviews)
•备考课程(gre, LSAT, MCAT)



通知请求在提交后五天内予以考虑. Students will be contacted by a staff member in the Division of Student Life to discuss individual requests. 紧急请求可以更迅速地予以考虑. Once notified, students will work with staff from the Division of Student Life to ascertain the quickest and easiest way to meet the approved financial request.

如果您因为紧急的经济需求而需要回应,请联系学生生活: rwustudentlife@chefsgrill.net

Food Resources 

Food insecurity describes the state of being without reliable access to sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. 我们已经制定了一些举措来支持那些可能经历食品不安全的学生. RWU支持学生获得食物的举措如下. 中列出了其他社区资源 基本需要和社区资源部分.

Swipe It Forward  

Swipe It Forward

The Swipe It Forward program was developed to allow board plan students to donate one guest pass meal and/or one regular meal per semester to students in need. 学生可以在Hawk Link上捐赠食物.

Gifted passes will be removed from the students’ account and added to a “donation account” available for approved requests throughout the academic year. 要一顿饭, 请通过电子邮件将您的机密请求发送给学生和家庭援助主任Debbie Knapman, at dknapman@chefsgrill.net该校学生多样性、公平、包容和归属感主任迈克尔·沃尔什(Michael Walsh) mwalsh@chefsgrill.net.  请附上你的学生证号码和姓名.

Community Kitchen

RWU跨文化中心社区厨房的图片The Intercultural Center houses a full kitchen that is available to all members of the RWU community throughout the day to create a personal meal or one to share. 除非另有说明,厨房里的食物对每个人都开放. 免费赠送新鲜咖啡、茶、热巧克力及其他饮料. 有限的不易腐烂的物品也可在较低的水平. 社区成员被鼓励捐献物资. 每个人都有责任自己打扫卫生.

SNAP 是一个每月提供福利的州计划吗, 通过电子福利转账(EBT)卡, 它可以在零售店、杂货店或农贸市场购买食物. 大学生可以根据广泛的例外情况获得SNAP的资格, 假设他们符合SNAP的收入和资产标准.


如果学生处于危机状态,需要短期住房援助, 他们可以联系阿曼达·唐尼, 居住生活和住房主任, adowney@chefsgrill.net 401-254-3161,安排一个会议,讨论可用的临时校园住房选择. In addition, a member of the Division of Student Life will work with the student to assist in exploring longer term housing strategies.

Financial Management 

Staff in the RWU financial aid office are available to explore financial pathways to support your educational goals. 无论你的情况是否发生了变化,或者你是否有问题或担忧, 联系财务援助办公室 探索你的选择.


  • StudentAID.gov 提供有关联邦财政援助和贷款的广泛信息, 包括完成FAFSA的提示, 定义经济援助条款和管理学生贷款偿还方案.
  • Fastweb
  • Scholarships.com
  • Scholarshipamerica.org
  • americorps.gov
  • 高等教育机会补助金 - The state of Rhode Island provides financial assistance for former foster youth seeking a full-time post-secondary credential. The student must enroll in the program by the age of 21 and funding is provided through the age of 23. Recipients must have been in foster care before their 18th birthday for at least 24 months or in care between 16-18.


  • 国家金融教育基金会 (NEFE) is a nonprofit foundation providing financial education and tools for people at all stages of life, 从大学预科到退休后. They sponsor Cashcourse,一个专门为学生设计的免费预算和财务规划工具,以及 Smart about money, a free, 公正的资源,你可以找到深入的个人理财课程, articles, 帮助理财的计算器和技巧.
  • The 消费者金融保护局 (CFPB)是由国会设立的, 并致力于促进金融教育和执行消费者金融保护法. The CFPB also provides a wealth of information for college students including student loan repayment and planning for college expenses.
  • MyMoney.gov 是由联邦金融知识和教育委员会赞助的. 由20多个联邦实体组成, its purpose is to help strengthen American’s financial capability and increase access to financial services. 该网站涵盖了五大理财原则:赚钱、储蓄 & 投资、消费、保护和借贷.
  • 实用理财技巧 - Improve your financial future by gaining a better understanding of a broad range of personal finance topics, 包括制定预算, saving for retirement, 明智地使用信贷.
  • 5个最适合大学生的预算应用程序
  • 2019年最好的8个预算应用程序

Note: Roger Williams University's commitment to assisting students and families in developing financial literacy is a critical aspect of students’ education.

本网站所提供的资源只作一般教育用途, 并且不打算取代您的投资建议, legal, 和/或税务顾问或作为具体财务规划活动的基础.

The links to third-party financial resources are provided as a convenience for informational purposes only.  没有罗杰威廉姆斯大学的工作人员认可或批准任何产品, 与这些链接相关的实体或个人的服务或意见.  罗杰威廉姆斯大学不对准确性负责, legality or content of any external site associated with the links provided or any subsequent links.


East Bay Food Pantry & Thrift Shop
532 Wood Street, Bristol; 401-396-9490
为住在东湾需要食物援助的人提供服务. 这包括巴林顿的城镇, Bristol, East Providence, Little Compton, Middletown, Newport, Portsmouth, Tiverton, and Warren.

好邻居汤厨房,食品储藏室 & Day Shelter
55 Turner Avenue, East Providence, RI 02915; 401-433-0045

Lucy’s Hearth
米德尔敦山谷路19号,RI 02842, 401-847-2021
A 24-hour emergency and transitional shelter for families and their children who are homeless due to economic hardship, family crisis, 驱逐和缺乏安全, affordable housing.

Provides high-quality, comprehensive and accessible health and human services to assist people to achieve their fullest potential.

10 Ct. St., Bristol, RI 02809, 401-253-4831
Serves low and moderate-income individuals and families with basic needs assistance such as heating and utility payment referrals, food, 以及有限的租赁援助.

路易斯·巴斯德大厦,霍华德大道25号., Cranston, RI 02920,401 -462-2121
Provides a critical safety net and other supportive services needed for Rhode Island residents to thrive. 提供进入联邦计划的机会 SNAP 补充营养援助计划


普罗维登斯社区行动伙伴关系 -在普罗维登斯提供广泛的社会服务
